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Michael Kirby AC CMG: What would Gandhi do today?

Gandhi Oration 2013

2013 Gandhi Oration

The Gandhi Oration commemorates Martyrs' Day and is delivered by a person whose life's work exemplifies the ideals of Gandhi. This year the oration is delivered by The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG who addresses the topic of What would Gandhi do today? A meditation on the contemporary challenges of human rights. Michael Kirby has tirelessly advocated for equal opportunities and is internationally recognised for his humanitarian efforts as well as his long standing contribution to the Australian legal system.


Since 2012, UNSW Sydney has hosted the annual Gandhi Oration celebrating the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi as a champion of human rights. The Oration features discussions on the significant human rights issues of our time. Past speakers have included Senator Pat Dodson, Peter Greste, Pat Anderson, Shoma Chaudhury, Reverend Tim Costello, Rosie Batty and Shen Narayanasamy. 

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